Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Visa: Go

Today, September 2nd, 2009, I finally received my UK visa. And of all the days to have it, for today I had my wisdom teeth removed. It's not like it's some grand coincidence, but I had imagined me staring at the UPS package tracking site as if my visa had a GPS tracker on it. I imagined running to the door and signing for my visa and passports. But instead I has high on nitrous oxide, lying in a bed looking like a chipmunk.

But when I got home, the package was waiting. Anti-climatic, but it really should be. All the worry was unnecessary, but hindsight has good eyesight or whatever. Anyways, now that this is done, my mom is finally comfortable buying me a plane ticket over there, and more importantly a peacoat. Labor Day sales, here I come.

But here's my real question: What if I hadn't gotten my visa? What would I have done then? It's too late to try to return to Georgetown as a junior, as classes began last week. I instead imagined going to the UK anyways and living the life of an illegal immigrant. Or would I have had to take the year off and live at home and find a way to get my tuition back from Georgetown? Thank God I didn't have to resort to any of these scenarios.

Another thing I also wonder is this: If for some reason I couldn't go to England, would I still care about football (soccer)? Would I still look forward to watching Top Gear on TV? What would I tell my friends? It's a horrible scenario, where I can see only one positive emerging (aaspacio), but that's an entirely separate issue.

Now I actually have to worry about what life in London will be like. Damn, that's exciting. I can actually look forward to my time in the UK without those stupid, unnecessary worries.

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