Friday, July 10, 2009

77 Days...

It's 1:40 AM on a Friday morning and I don't want to sleep. It probably has something to do with that article I read a couple hours ago saying that "night owls" operate best around 9 PM and that no matter what strange measures they go to in order to become morning people, they will always remain night people, like vampires. So, why fight it? Having woke up at 11 AM today/yesterday, staying up this late isn't a big deal.

Enough on that, a few days ago, Tuesday I think, I received my Welcome Packet from LSE. It included all the documents I had to sign and send back to London, including my course selection and a picture form for my ID. Of course I messed up my signature so it looks like my 4 year old cousin tried to write my name.

I've been lifting a lot recently, still hoping I'll be big enough to play rugby when I go over there. But, still, I am wondering, anxious and nervous, whether rugby is a good idea. It'll be tough meeting new people and making friends otherwise, so it probably is a good idea, despite my hesitations. I wonder how much bigger I can get in the next 77 days. Still, I'm only 5'7" (around 170 cm), which is short for any position. Then again, I did play high school football, so why should this be any different. Because it's England, not San Jose, duh.

I've also begun the process of applying for a visa. It's a pretty straight-forward process so far, considering I haven't done anything besides typing in some cities and countries into an online form. I did hit a few speed bumps though. But that's another issue entirely, not anything to do with LSE or the UK.

Bored, it's now 1:49, which means I'm 9 minutes closer to England than when I started this post. But still no closer to sleep...

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